English 中文(简体)
2.0P 2.0
原标题:Error with Form helper in CakePHP 2.0

我先从CakePHP 2.0开始,可以 past一 past。 这是我的法典:


class AppController extends Controller
    function beforeFilter()
        $this->Auth->userModel =  User ;
        $this->Auth->fields = array( username  =>  email ,  password  =>  password ); 
        $this->Auth->loginAction = array( controller  =>  users ,  action  =>  login );
        $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array( controller  =>  hotels ,  action  =>  dashboard );


class UsersController extends AppController
    var $name =  Users ;
    var $helpers = array( Html , Form );
    var $components = array( Auth , Session );

    function beforeFilter()

    function logout()

    function login()
        if ($this->Auth->login())
        } else
            $this->Session->setFlash(__( Invalid username or password, try again ));


 echo $this->Form->create(); // User , array( action  =>  login ));
 echo $form->Form->input( email );
 echo $form->Form->input( password );
 echo $form->Form->end( Login );


 Notice (8): Undefined variable: form [APPViewUserslogin.ctp, line 13]
 Notice (8): Trying to get property of non-object [APPViewUserslogin.ctp, line 13]
 Fatal error: Call to a member function input() on a non-object in E:proyectoswebswtappViewUserslogin.ctp on line 13

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!



echo $form->Form->input( email );
echo $form->Form->input( password );
echo $form->Form->end( Login );


echo $this->Form->input( email );
echo $this->Form->input( password );
echo $this->Form->end( Login );


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