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PDF文档 封面页和免责页
原标题:PDF files Stitching with cover page and disclaimer pages
  • 时间:2011-11-06 14:43:04
  •  标签:
  • pdf




一页或多页含有免责信息。 页: 1





one or several pages should covered all disclaimer info, no missing and no repeating any


The report bodies themselves should be concatenated together in the between of the cover

page and first disclaimer pager after merged PDF package.


如果你使用 Java或C#,你可能使用IText PDF图书馆。 尤其见PdfCopy类加价法:

。 PdfCopy类补充方法

如果商业产品是你的一种选择,并且你将视窗作为目标,那么你可使用Amyuni PDF造物主积极X(C++、Delphi、VB、ASP/44/等),或

http://www.amyuni.com/WebHelp/Amyuni_PDF_Creator_for_ACTIVE_X/Using_the_PDF_Creator_Control/Methods/Document_Handling/Append_Method.htm” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>documentation :


The Append method can be used to append or concatenate a PDF file to the current document. Syntax:

  • C++: HRESULT Append ([in] BSTR FileName,[in] BSTR Password)
  • C#: void Append (string fileName, string password)
  • VB: Sub Append (FileName As String, Password As String)

http://www.amyuni.com/WebHelp/Amyuni_PDF_Creator_for_ACTIVE_X/Using_the_PDF_Creator_Control/Methods/Page_Handling/DeletePage_Method.htm> rel=“nofollow noretinger”>DeletePage

Usual disapper applicable.

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