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原标题:Is it possible to change logname for nginx dymanically?
  • 时间:2011-11-10 13:09:43
  •  标签:
  • nginx

我是否可以动态地更改原产地名称(例如:2011-11-31.log),而不作 log,etc?


You can write and put a bash script into your cron daily folder to parse your conf file, change the logname and reload nginx to achieve this.

Potentially a bit of wheel reinvention in that though. See Logrotate dateext option: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/07/logrotate-examples/

将其重新命名为您的称谓,然后将原样子重新打开正文,或者以<代码>纳克inx-s re 或<代码> 技能-HUP$ (pidof nginx)。 工人花了多少时间完成写作,开始进一步处理(压缩、移动等)。

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