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flask 立即在等待时作出反应
原标题:flask to respond immediately on node await

I have two services, service A (node) and service B (flask) there is an endpoint on serivce A which calls endpoint of service B like this:

const response = await axios.get(
                params: {
                  library_id: req.query.library_id,

在服务B方面,该图书馆有一个更新路线,更新了该图书馆的所有书籍,其编号为<>,需要一定时间。 我想服务B立即做出回应,并在背景中进行计算。 有一些图书馆被推荐为像文西奥、阅读、文莱等,但我不知道哪些图书馆最适合我,而我正在阅读,因为似乎最简单。 不过,“测试”没有在read开始后立即印刷,整个<代码>程序功能在回复回复到点末之前即执行。 我在这里做了什么错误?

<service B endpoint:

import threading
from src.Library import Library

@bp_csv.route( update-library , methods=[ GET ])
def get_library():
        library_id = request.args.get( library_id )

        if not library_id:
            raise ValueError("Missing query parameter  library_id  ")

        LIB = Library(library_id)
        thread = threading.Thread(target=LIB.process()).start()
        status_code = 202
        return_message = "Updating library"
        response = make_response(
            jsonify({"message": str(return_message)}), status_code)
        response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
        return response

There are many ways to solve this problem. But I think the easiest way is to save that ID in a cache-like system as an array (For example Redis) And return the response. In another function, you get the values from that array (like a FIFO in Redis) and process them. in this case, you can avoid using the same function for doing multiple works, and also you can scale it later if you see fit. also using Redis is very easy, a 30-minute crash course can get you up and running.

When you fork a thread to run function, It cannot run on time or run after some request that come from client. If you want to run that function after response, you can use decorate after_request. Example:

def callback_library(response):
    if request.endpoint in ["bp_csv.get_library"]:
        library_id = request.args.get( library_id )
        LIB = Library(library_id)
    return response

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