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ASP. NET:如何测试服务器记忆的使用?
原标题:ASP.NET: How to test for server memory usage?

Is it possible to test for server memory usage on local machine? If so, what is the simplest way?

My scenario: I am using a gridview with default paging which is supposed to be memory intensive because each paging request retrieves the whole database table. Now I am trying to implement custom paging that retrieves only the few records from the database that are needed to display on one page of the gridview.

Obviously, I want to test and find out if my implementation works. If there are other better/more reliable ways to test, please let me know. Thanks.


它像你一样需要一种定性工具。 在个人方面,我建议从红门对ANTS记忆介绍器和ANTS性能简介进行考察:

ANTS Memory Profiler:

ANTS Performance Profiler:

自动取款机显示器在识别瓶颈和记忆泄露方面做了大量的工作。 它们不是免费的,而是能够重得起,提供完全有效的审判,以便你们能够评估产品。


如果你重新关注KQ数据库的运行情况,就会发现一个ASP的绩效。 该网络应用后值得研究(免费!) MVC 小型材料:

http://code.google.com/p/mvc-mini-profiler/"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>http://code.google.com/p/mvc-mini-profiler/

Although it doesn t show memory consumption, it does show query execution time, and in particular highlights repeated queries that may be optimised.





Good memory profiling results grouping/sorting: enter image description here


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