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a. 在系统添加财产吗?
原标题:Dynamically add a Property to a System.object?

我拿着我在不同类别中定义的不同物体清单,我想在所有这些物体上添加“Name”的描述性财产。 这是可能的吗?

I don t have that much code to provide as my classes are very simple/classic ones.

Thanks in advance for any help !

(edit :我不想继承增加这一财产的抽象类别!) 事实上,我不想在界定我的反对的所有类别上加以修改。 这在标题中称为“有意思的”。


myObject.AddProperty(string, "Name");


myObject.AddAttribute(string, "Name");



myObject.Name = "blaaa";

1. 创建贵国所有其他阶层都能继承的抽象课程:

public abstract class MyBaseClass
    public string MyCommonString { get; set; }

public class Foo : MyBaseClass
    public MyBaseClass() { }

//Create instance of foo
Foo myFoo = new Foo();

//MyCommonString is accessible since you inherited from base
string commonString = myFoo.MyCommonString;

<EDIT (根据新的要求)


public abstract class MyBaseClass
    public string MyCommonString { get; set; }

//This class definition lives in the DLL and remains untouched
public class Foo
    public Foo() { }

//This partial class definition lives in [insert new project name here]
public partial class Foo : MyBaseClass
    public Foo () { }

Notice that Foo is now a partial class. You re not touching the existing class definition in the DLL, you re extending it.

<EDIT (根据新的要求)



What you can do is to hard code a Hashtable named CustomProperties Now you can fill this Hashtable with custom properties


        MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
        myClass.SetProperty("abc", 123);
        myClass.SetProperty("bcd", "bla");
        myClass.SetProperty("cde", DateTime.Now);


class MyClass
    private Hashtable MyProperties { get; set; }

    public MyClass()
        MyProperties = new Hashtable();

    public object GetProperty(string name)
        return MyProperties.Contains(name) ? MyProperties[name] : null;

    public void SetProperty(string name, object value)
        if (MyProperties.Contains(name))
            MyProperties[name] = value;
            MyProperties.Add(name, value);

请使用新的C# 4.0dynamic 关键词:

dynamic obj = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
obj.Value = 10;
var action = new Action<string>((l) => Console.WriteLine(l));
obj.WriteNow = action;

You can not do this with object, but the ExpandoObject will do just fine.


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