English 中文(简体)
第三方 Fips 验证了菲普认证的密码模块。
原标题:Third party Fips validated Crypto Algorithm in Fips validated Crypto Module?
  • 时间:2011-11-23 08:57:04
  •  标签:
  • fips

我将着手对我的软件模块进行国际会计准则第140-2认证。 我研究了相关材料,但我仍然不清楚有一件事情:。 是否需要写一下我自己执行已核准的算法,并首先从国家清单中得到核准?

I am confused because; in Fips validation module list, most of the companies have their own validated algorithms in their fips validated module which gives me impression that one has to get the validation of his own algorithm implementation first and then use it in to be validated crypto module. Is this right?



国际房联认证实验室在计算算法产生时只提供符合国际房联第140-2标准的执行。 如果执行符合规定,那么你就获得证书。

例如,如果看,请看看许多人使用开放式特别安全设备执行。 硬件安装可能使用供应商的加密核心,而不是每个组织在硬件中重新实施AES。

What you do have to do though is make the third-party implementation conform to the FIPS 140-2 standard. So you may have to write power-on self tests and continuous self tests and so on. You may even have to fix bugs in the implementation to make it pass the certification tests. For example, OpenSSL s RSA implementation up to 0.9.7j/0.9.8b (from 2006) is vulnerable to the Bleichenbacher RSA forgery attack, so if you were using that old RSA implementation, you d have to fix it.

很显然,你的第三方执行不必事先得到科索沃警察部队的认证。 你的认证实验室将作为执行工作的一部分加以测试,然后予以认证。



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