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Intro to C. 便携式罐头适当印刷
原标题:Intro to C / Variables aren t printing properly
  • 时间:2023-10-19 02:57:45
  •  标签:
  • c

该法典应当从用户那里获得有关家庭贷款细节的投入,并计算他们在贷款期间将支付多少费用。 我的《守则》适当吸收了所有投入,但以我“为”的回旋方式印刷这些投入。 我的“Month”变量被定在令人难以置信的高位,其余则定在0。 如何使我的守则适当发挥作用

我预计会拿到贷款余额的所有投入,从业者,每个月支付多少款项,以及年数。 然后,将计算为总余额和利息支付金额支付的款项,并在最后月份之前每个月印出,届时将支付全部款项和现余额。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    int years, month, final_month, annual_interest_rate;
    double loan_balance, interest_for_this_month, monthly_payment, total_interest, leftover_payment, monthly_interest_rate;

Loan Amount = ");
    scanf("%lf", &loan_balance);
", loan_balance);

Number of Years = ");
    scanf("%i", &years);
", years);

Annual Interest Rate Percent = ");
    scanf("%i", &annual_interest_rate);
", annual_interest_rate);
Monthly Payment = ");
    scanf("%.2lf", &monthly_payment);
", monthly_payment);
    monthly_interest_rate = annual_interest_rate/1200;
    final_month = years*12;
    //total_interest = 0; 
    for(month = 1; month <= final_month; month = month+1)
        interest_for_this_month = (monthly_interest_rate * loan_balance);
        total_interest = (total_interest + interest_for_this_month);
        leftover_payment = (monthly_payment - interest_for_this_month);
        loan_balance = (loan_balance - leftover_payment);
        printf("Month = (%i),   This month s interest = (%.2lf)   leftover payment = (%.2lf)   Loan Balance = (%.2lf

)"); month, interest_for_this_month, leftover_payment, loan_balance;
Total Interest = %.2lf
", total_interest);
    printf("Final Loan Balance = %.2lf

", loan_balance);

    return 0;


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