微软KS服务器 副渔获物/strong>栏中没有任何特征可自动记录输入数据库物体的参数。
If neither of those options are feasible I recommend creating a table to store this information. One column can have the Stored Procedure name and another column can have the parameters. The parameters column can contain a comma delimited list of whatever parameters were passed into the stored procedure.
create table dbo.Parameters (
RowID int identity(1,1),
StoredProcedure varchar(255),
Parameters varchar(max)
create proc dbo.wsp_GetUser_s (
@UserID int,
@UserName varchar(255)
begin try
select *
from dbo.Users
where UserID = @UserID
and UserName = @UserName
-- We ll only log to the Parameters table if we don t find a match
if @@rowcount < 1
RAISERROR ( Did not find user. Logging passed parameters to dbo.Parameters table , -- Message text.
16, -- Severity.
1 -- State.
end try
begin catch
-- This could be moved into the catch block if you wanted to log this for all calls and not only when there is no match found for the passed in parameters.
insert into dbo.Parameters ( StoredProcedure, Parameters)
select wsp_GetUser_s , @UserID= + @UserID + , @UserName= + @UserName
end catch