We are using Scrum 1.0 with TFS to manage our project. There are 2 (soon to be 3) teams who work on different Sprints at the same time. This seems to cause problems for TFS though as the Sprint Burndown charts become skewed and completely incorrect.
我已把这两个小组移到同一个“变迁之路”/印章之下,而且我们一直在按地区加以区别。 但这不是理想。
我的问题是,其他小组如何同时利用Schrum 1.0有效操作多重印记。 我们真的希望,至少要向每一组别报告《斯堪的姆》小队的《斯伯恩底》和《博尔米》。
Thanks very much, John