English 中文(简体)
原标题:Rails 3.1 associations and counting?

I have two models in my Rails application, Users and Calls. The model associations are set as follows:

<>strong>user model

has_many  :calls


belongs_to  :user


Currently, I am using the following string:

 <%= Call.count %>



<%= current_user.Call.calls.count %>

我对如何做到这一点感到困惑。 我需要能够从任何地方打上计票,以便我能够根据过去30天等开始计算。


You don t really want to be putting database calls within views, you really want to put that into a controller. You d be looking for something like User.find(current_user.id).calls.count as this will then use the association of which you ve set up, or if you want to disregard the model relation you could do Call.where(:user_id => current_user.id).count



@count = Call. where (:user_id => current_user.id).count/code>


<%=@count %>





user = User.find(1)


user.calls.where("calls.created_at > ?", 30.days.ago).count

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