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原标题:Binding a UserControl to a custom BusyIndicator control



Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { NameTextBox.Focus(); });

因此,这只是一种观点,而不是另一种观点。 我花了一些时间来解决这个问题,并认识到我正在工作的新观点是,由于布吉指标被设定为真实的,而且在奥洛达德事件之后发生了假造,因此,一个把注意力从所有控制的重点转向所有控制。

因此,解决办法是把侧重点放在<代码>上。 姓名:TextBox after/strong> my BusyIndicator has been set to false. 我的想法是建立一种可再使用的布公指标控制,处理这一额外工作。 然而,我却在多国机器公司中遇到麻烦。

我首先简单地扩大了工具包: 用户指标:

public class EnhancedBusyIndicator : BusyIndicator
    public UserControl ControlToFocusOn { get; set; }

    private bool _remoteFocusIsEnabled = false;
    public bool RemoteFocusIsEnabled
            return _remoteFocusIsEnabled;
            if (value == true)

    private void EnableRemoteFocus()
        if (ControlToFocusOn.IsNotNull())
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { ControlToFocusOn.Focus(); });
            throw new InvalidOperationException("ControlToFocusOn has not been set.");


    ControlToFocusOn="{Binding ElementName=NameTextBox}"
    RemoteFocusIsEnabled="{Binding IsRemoteFocusEnabled}"
    IsBusy="{Binding IsDetailsBusyIndicatorActive}"
    <my:myTextBox (this extends TextBox)

因此,这个想法是<代码>。 在我的《观点》中(我是在I ve set IsBusy后在《观点》中作假的)将重点确定为NameTextBox。 如果操作的话,其他人可以使用<代码>。 强化指标,仅对不同的控制加以约束,并使重点能够适当地放在自己的观点中,假设其观点具有内在的<条码>。


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Set property foo.Controls.EnhancedBusyIndicator.Control Tofocus 当时提出了例外。 [Line:45个职位:26]

Will this solution I am attempting work? If so, what is wrong with what I have thus far (cannot set the ControlToFocusOn property)?

<><>Update 1

I installed Visual Studio 10 Tools for Silverlight 5 and got a better error message when navigating to the new view. Now I gete this error message:

"System.ArgumentException: Object of type System.Windows.Data.Binding cannot be converted to type System.Windows.Controls.UserControl"

此外,我认为我需要改变这种控制的数据内容。 在密码背后的建筑商中,数据内容由我的观点Model确定。 我试图在<代码>上添加数据内容财产。 强化指标,但并不可行:

    DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
    ControlToFocusOn="{Binding ElementName=NameTextBox}"
    RemoteFocusIsEnabled="{Binding IsRemoteFocusEnabled}"
    IsBusy="{Binding IsDetailsBusyIndicatorActive}"

<><>Update 2

我需要修改<代码>UserControl至>Control,因为我想把重点放在TextBox的物体上(实施Control)。 然而,这并不能解决问题。


Without a BusyIndicator present in the view, the common solution to solve the focus problem is to add the code

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { ControlToFocusOn.Focus(); });

参看<代码>Loaded。 即便有<条码>BusyIndicator,但<条码>BusyIndicator立即将注意力放在银灯控制的其他部分之外。 解决办法是,在<条码>BusyIndicator之后,使用<条码>控制法>。


public class EnhancedBusyIndicator : BusyIndicator
    public EnhancedBusyIndicator()
        Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(EnhancedBusyIndicator_Loaded);

    void EnhancedBusyIndicator_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        AllowedToFocus = true;

    private readonly DependencyProperty AllowedToFocusProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("AllowedToFocus", typeof(bool), typeof(EnhancedBusyIndicator), new PropertyMetadata(true));

    public bool AllowedToFocus
        get { return (bool)GetValue(AllowedToFocusProperty); }
        set { SetValue(AllowedToFocusProperty, value); }

    public readonly DependencyProperty ControlToFocusOnProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ControlToFocusOn", typeof(Control), typeof(EnhancedBusyIndicator), null);

    public Control ControlToFocusOn
        get { return (Control)GetValue(ControlToFocusOnProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ControlToFocusOnProperty, value); }

    protected override void OnIsBusyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (AllowedToFocus && !IsBusy)
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { ControlToFocusOn.Focus(); });
            AllowedToFocus = false;

用新的<代码>替换<代码>Busy Indicator tags in You xaml 添加适当的名称空间。

Add a new property, ControlToFocusOn inside the element, and bind it to an existing element in the view that you want focus to be on after the EnhancedBusyIndicator disappears:

    ControlToFocusOn="{Binding ElementName=NameTextBox}"

In this case, I focused to a textbox called NameTextBox.

That s it. This control will get focus every time we navigate to the page. While we are on the page, if the EnhancedBusyIndicator becomes busy and not busy agiain, focus will not go to the control; this only happens on initial load.

请允许<代码> 专用于<代码>的强化指标/代码。 控制 另一时间,加上另一财产<代码>,代之以:

    ControlToFocusOn="{Binding ElementName=NameTextBox}"
    AllowedToFocus="{Binding IsAllowedToFocus}"

Allowed Tofocus被正式确定时,下一个时间是EnhancedBusyIndicator。 从公共汽车到非公共汽车,重点将达到<条码>。 控制

在提出观点时,也可将“Focus”定为虚假,以防止重点被控制。 如果你将<条码>Allowed Tofocus约束在一种观点变更的财产上,你可能需要修改<条码>。 否则,该编码为Onetime


@Matt, 不详

DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"


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