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xperf callstackpping, specific to dlls
原标题:xperf callstack tracing, specific to dlls

我会遇到一些问题,即用我的微粒痕迹完全穿透。 这在Win7 64bit pc上。 在较高一级,我有几辆车,也是大部分工作。 所有制片档案都属于单一目录,而且我有有效的象征,在可执行的法典中打着摇篮,因此,我确实正确地确定了我的象征道路。

我在把车上打进了一辆车上,就失去了电梯信息,左栏显示<代码>plugin_name.dll!?。 加权表显示,高百分比(50-90%)和高计数,但我无法得到任何实际功能,需要打脚。 例如:

Process, Stack, Module, Function, Weight, % Weight, Count, TimeStamp
,    |     kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk, , , 59067.075556, 73.29, 59075, 
,    |     |- plugin_name.dll!?, , , 45036.186642, 55.88, 45042, 
,    |     |     plugin_name.dll!?, , , 45036.186642, 55.88, 45042, 


http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pigscanfly/archive/2009/08/06/stack-walking-in-xperf.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff191014(v=vs.85).aspx


  • "...doesn’t know what executable image was at the address"
  • "...Maximum stack depth is exceeded".



是否有任何建议供阅读或尝试? 是否有对Im 失踪的脚?的限制? 是否有特殊标记,具体指向堆 ?



Do install latest sdk containing windows performance kit and running wpa/xperf from same directory should resolve the symbol loading issue. i m assuming symbol server path is correct. Use procexp.exe to see dbghelp.dll and symsrv.dll version and path to see xperf or any tool from directory is pointing out to latest available or shipped version of above mentioned dlls.

Thanks, SushantB

Try the following, from here: Disable Paging Executive

为了追踪64轨视窗的工作,你需要确定可操作的执行登记处的钥匙。 这说明运营系统不把轮驱动器和系统代码放在软盘上,这是利用Xperf实现64条轨道电话站的先决条件,因为64条轨道的步行取决于可击图像中的元数据,在某些情况下,Xperf的步行代码不允许触及页数。 从提升的指挥中指挥以下指挥,将为你确定这一登记册的关键。

REG ADD "HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management" -v DisablePagingExecutive -d 0x1 -t REG_DWORD -f

After setting this registry key you will need to reboot your system before you can record call stacks. Having this flag set means that the Windows kernel locks more pages into RAM, so this will probably consume about 10 MB of additional physical memory.

创建新的<>GHELP,将其定为1<>。 如今,我们创建了一个名为DBGHELP_LOG的标志性文件,并将其编成像D:DbgHelp Carlo.txt。 符号填满后,末端的Xperfview/wpa,并看标识为什么装满。

<<>Diagnosing DBGHELP> pageloading

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