The problem is when you click the button, the comment box is not displayed, but the LIKE works normal, appear on my profile。 It works fine sometimes but most of the times the comment box is not displayed。 Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong
<div id="fb-root"></div>
(function(d, s, id) {。
var js, fjs = d。getElementsByTagName(s)[0];。
if (d。getElementById(id)) return;。
js = d。createElement(s); js。id = id;。
js。src = "//connect。facebook。net/en_US/all。js#xfbml=1&appId=292455817458061";。
fjs。parentNode。insertBefore(js, fjs);。
}(document, script , facebook-jssdk ));
and this is the code which I have written in my aspx page。
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www。facebook。com/IT。FinishingSchool" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
please let me know if I am doing anything wrong。