I have matrix with 3 dimension (n*m*k). I am trying to fined the maximum number for each n and m by searching in k dimension.((I try to find the maximum number in k dimension for each n and m)) and at last i have a 2d matrix (n*m). i have the following code but it is so slow. Is there any new code or any changes to the current code that do this more quickly.
我的c#代码:注: li是3个层面矩阵,是gra或等于零。
int[,] array2 = new int[n, m];
int[,] array = new int[n, m];
List<Array> li = new List<Array>();
for(int k = 0; k < not a specific value, change each time ; k++)
%% changing array
} %% so li will became a (n*m*k) matrix
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
int ma = -2;
int d = 0;
while (d <= k)
ma = Math.Max(ma, Convert.ToInt32(li[d].GetValue(i, j)));
array2[i, j] = ma;