我在Stackoverflow周围搜寻了同一问题,但像我的问题一样,所有问题都列入Xcode(iPhone)。 我用 Java语说话,但我可以说出我如何解决这一问题。
我在RaphaelJS上制造了饥饿。 这种饥饿有可变的明显点,因此,它可能有8点,但也有9点或10点。 我的问题是,我想在这个严酷的圈子里发言。 如果饥).有8点,那么它有自己的字句(8字)。
On this moment I m doing it with images, but that isn t flexible (in the future I would generate the star and the words by using a database). I have searched a lot. I found that any technic where this is possible, is SVG. But after many hours of trial and error, I haven t something that is similar as my image.