English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using OpenGL in Matlab to get depth buffer



因此,我要说的是,我装上了 ob子,甚至只是一个简单的呼声,使得它现在和现在都想到它的深度缓冲,然后使用马特拉布和开放式GL,对我来说,哪一部法典就是这样。 I.e. 我如何建立这一系统,然后获取实际数据?


NOTE: The bounty specifies JOGL but that is not a must. Any code which acts as above and can provide me with the depth buffer after running it in Matlab is sufficient)


depthmap thing

今天,我与我的同事进行了交流,在5个信使和一些牙齿之后,我发现这个问题,并想到,“在!"”。 因此,我为时而挣扎,但当时我找到了一种简单的解决方案,使用MEX。 我确信,由最后窗口创建的开放式利比里亚环境可以保持活跃,因此,如果该文字在同一个侧面上,可以从“C”中获取。

我制定了一个简单的“C”方案,称为“测试仪”,称为“测试仪表”,该方案将过滤器的频率反应(这是我手头的唯一文字)。 这是利用开放式GL进行的。 之后,该方案利用冰川和冰川液进入开放式GL缓冲地带。 然后,它形成一个矩阵,以深度的数值填充,并转至第二个功能,称为“深入地图”。 它只是利用 im功能展示深度图。 请注意,进出口部的职能也允许退回价值,因此,也许后处理不一定是另一个功能,但我没有一个国家能够理解它是如何做到的。 不过,这应该是三角的。 我今天第一次与贸易部合作。



imp = zeros(10000,1);
imp(5000) = 1;
% impulse

[bwb,bwa] = butter(3, 0.1,  high );
b = filter(bwb, bwa, imp);
% filter impulse by the filter

fs = 44100; % sampling frequency (all frequencies are relative to fs)
frequency_response=fft(b); % calculate response (complex numbers)
amplitude_response=20*log10(abs(frequency_response)); % calculate module of the response, convert to dB
frequency_axis=(0:length(b)-1)*fs/length(b); % generate frequency values for each response value
max_f=fix(length(b)/2)+1; % min, max frequency

lighting gouraud
set(gcf, Renderer , OpenGL )

semilogx(frequency_axis(min_f:max_f),amplitude_response(min_f:max_f), r- ) % plot with logarithmic axis using red line
axis([frequency_axis(min_f) frequency_axis(max_f) -90 10])  % set axis limits

xlabel( frequency [Hz] );
ylabel( amplitude [dB] ); % legend

grid on % draw grid


//You can include any C libraries that you normally use
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "mex.h"   //--This one is required

extern WINAPI void glGetIntegerv(int n_enum, int *p_value);

extern WINAPI void glReadPixels(int     x, 
    int     y, 
    int     width, 
    int     height, 
    int     format, 
    int     type, 
    void *      data);

#define GL_VIEWPORT                       0x0BA2
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT                0x1902
#define GL_FLOAT                          0x1406

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    int viewport[4], i, x, y;
    int colLen;
    float *data;
    double *matrix;
    mxArray *arg[1];

    mexCallMATLAB(0, NULL, 0, NULL, "testofmyfilter");
    // call an .m file which creates OpenGL window and draws a plot inside

    glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
    printf("GL_VIEWPORT = [%d, %d, %d, %d]
", viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
    // print viewport dimensions, should be [0, 0, m, n]
    // where m and n are size of the GL window

    data = (float*)malloc(viewport[2] * viewport[3] * sizeof(float));
    glReadPixels(0, 0, viewport[2], viewport[3], GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, data);
    // alloc data and read the depth buffer

    /*for(i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
", data[i]);*/
    // debug

    arg[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(viewport[3], viewport[2], mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
    matrix = mxGetPr(arg[0]);
    colLen = mxGetM(arg[0]);
    printf("0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x %d
", data, arg[0], matrix, colLen); // debug
    for(x = 0; x < viewport[2]; ++ x) {
        for(y = 0; y < viewport[3]; ++ y)
            matrix[x * colLen + y] = data[x + (viewport[3] - 1 - y) * viewport[2]];
    // create matrix, copy data (this is stupid, but matlab switches
    // rows/cols, also convert float to double - but OpenGL could have done that)

    // don t need this anymore

    mexCallMATLAB(0, NULL, 1, arg, "trytodisplaydepthmap");
    // pass the array to a function (returnig something from here
    // is beyond my understanding of mex, but should be doable)

    // cleanup



function [] = trytodisplaydepthmap(depthMap)

imshow(depthMap, []);
% see what s inside

Save all of these to the same directory, compile 测试。 with (type that to Matlab console):

mex 测试。 Q:MATLABR2008asyslcclibopengl32.lib

Where "Q:MATLABR2008asyslcclibopengl32.lib" is path to "opengl32.lib" file.

And finally execute it all by merely typing "test" in matlab console. It should bring up a window with filter frequency response, and another window with the depth buffer. Note the front and back buffers are swapped at the moment "C" code reads the depth buffer, so it might be required to run the script twice to get any results (so the front buffer which now contains the results swaps with back buffer again, and the depth can be read out). This could be done automatically by "C", or you can try including getframe(gcf); at the end of your script (that reads back from OpenGL as well so it swaps the buffers for you, or something).

在Matlab为我工作。 文字如下:

GL_VIEWPORT = [0, 0, 560, 419]
0x11150020 0x0bd39620 0x12b20030 419

And of course it displays the images. Note the depth buffer range depends on Matlab, and can be quite high, so making any sense of the generated images may not be straightforward.


the swine s answer is the correct one. Here is a slightly formatted and simpler version that is cross-platform.


#include "mex.h"   

#define GL_VIEWPORT                       0x0BA2
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT                0x1902
#define GL_FLOAT                          0x1406

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    int viewport[4], i, x, y;
    int colLen;
    float *data;
    double *matrix;

    glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
    data = (float*)malloc(viewport[2] * viewport[3] * sizeof(float));
    glReadPixels(0, 0, viewport[2], viewport[3], GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, data);

    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(viewport[3], viewport[2], mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
    matrix = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    colLen = mxGetM(plhs[0]);

    for(x = 0; x < viewport[2]; ++ x) {
        for(y = 0; y < viewport[3]; ++ y)
            matrix[x * colLen + y] = data[x + (viewport[3] - 1 - y) * viewport[2]];


Then if youre on windows compile using

mex mexGetDepth.c "path to OpenGL32.lib"


mex mexGetDepth.c "path to opengl32.a"



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