English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I launch the iTunes Store app from my application?
  • 时间:2012-01-15 04:53:45
  •  标签:
  • ios
  • itunes

How do I launch the iTunes Store app from my application? I want to take the user to a podcast page.


创建1个社会网 观点和链接,以便当它们向纽伦特/链接发出压力时,它就向卢爱拉发送网页。 你们认为,这在网上意见中是开放的,但通常由投管者自动打开投影机或 app。

Need you learn how to use a webView? There are plenty of tutorials out there that can help. You can simply Google a tutorial, or search YouTube. Or, you can also post another question if you reach a problem.

我们希望,这是你所回顾的,你的问题略有混淆。 如果是,我建议略微修改你的问题,以具体说明。

  1. Go here to get the URL for your podcast in iTunes.
  2. Replace "http://" with "itms://" in the URL you got in step 1.
  3. 在你希望开张的那部法典中:

    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"<URL FROM STEP #2>"]];


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