原文:Getting song name of streaming track in iTunes with Applescript
原文:Enterprise distribution apps on iOS, possible to drag and drop the ipa into iTunes?
原文:How do I launch the iTunes Store app from my application?
我如何从我的申请中发射“幕后储存”。 我想把用户带到一个播音页。
原文:Itunes Connect Invalid Binary
我在书库中提交了我的照片。 第一,我证实这一点,并取得成功。 然后,我提交了这一文件,并经过了精炼后再上载到SitLink。 在一分钟后,它说档案无效......
原文:Notification callback in iOS when iTunes sync/file transfer is complete
I have searched for how to receive callbacks in iOS5 when the file system has changed. I ve found the following sample from Apple s site, but it only notifies the given delegate when a file is removed/...
原文:Django double-escaping titles in podcasts
使用Django 1.2的Im,正在为播音制作好XML。 含有单一报价、双重报价或插手的任何标题似乎都属于双重替罪,例如:
原文:Why is this sed RegEx expression chopping off digits in certain circumstances?
sed -e s/*-{0,1},{0,1} *[Pp][Aa]{0,1}[Rr]{0,1}[Tt].{0,1} *[0-9]{1,}
原文:iPhone backup & restore does not restore our app s data on rare occasions
原文:Translating itunes affiliate rss via xslt
我无法为我的生活做这项工作。 这里是Ixml从SRSS从附属公司获得的食物。 我想在标签内重印价值观,但出于某种原因,我不能:
- winforms
- combobox
- fogbugz
- java
- date
- internationalization
- asp.net
- iis
- url-rewriting
- urlrewriter
- c#
- enums
- ocaml
- haxe
- algorithm
- string
- viewstate
- .net
- c++
- c
- symbol-table
- mysql
- database
- postgresql
- licensing
- migration
- vb.net
- vb6
- declaration
- vb6-migration
- python
- psycopg2
- backup
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- cultureinfo
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- oracle
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- download
- html
- virtual
- constructor
- scenarios
- perl
- full-text-search
- javascript
- ajax
- testing
- oop
- inheritance
- vim
- encapsulation
- information-hiding