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• 贵国如何制定材料、数据、数据、初步国家数据输入模型以备日期?
原标题:How do you setup Material UI DataGrid Initial State Filter Model for Date?

我想提供一个带有初步过滤模型的马塔基纳数据网,因此只显示即将到来的日期。 (在用户清除缺损装置过滤器之前)

I have no problems creating a filter for the date after the datagrid is loaded without any initialState set. manually setting filters after rendered datagrid

<However!> 当我尝试了涉及日期栏的初步过滤模型时

initialState = {{
     filter: {
               items: [{
                    columnField:  class_end_date ,
                         operatorValue:  onOrAfter ,
                         value: new Date()

I continually get Uncaught TypeError: filterItem.value.match is not a function top of the stacktrace

buildApplyFilterFn gridDateOperators.js:10
getApplyFilterFn gridDateOperators.js:62

https://i.stack.imgur.com/xenod9.png”rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 缺损过滤模型产生的误差

I am assuming there s some kind of type conversion I need for the value property in the items filter object. Still researching, but I can t find anything helpful in MUI docs hence far. If anyone has tackled this one I d be grateful for a step in the right direction! Thank you.

我还确保了我的类型和价值 在我的栏目阵列中适当界定了光。 摘录

            field:  class_start_date ,
            headerName:  Start Date ,
            width: 140,  
            type:  date ,
            valueGetter: (params) => {
                return new Date(params.value)
            field:  class_end_date ,
            headerName:  End Date ,
            width: 140,  
            type:  date ,
            valueGetter: (params) => {
                return new Date(params.value)

I ve also tried using dateTime for the column type, formatting the dates from the valueGetters and the filtermodel value to mm/dd/yyyy format, and I tried ensuring the value property was a string

               items: [{
                    columnField:  class_end_date ,
                         operatorValue:  onOrAfter ,
                         value: `${new Date()}`

有趣的是,将今天的日期改为yyy-mm-d 扼杀是骗局。

我的看法是,虽然“倡议”的价值很高。 更优惠的返回日期的标的是在过滤器的比较后将其改成一个阵列。

initialState = {{
      filter: {
             items: [{
                 columnField:  class_end_date ,
                 operatorValue:  onOrAfter ,
                 value: `${formatDate(new Date())}`

WHERE格式 日期是地雷的有用功能,该功能转化成yyy-mm-d


截至MUI v5:

initialState: {
            filter: {
              filterModel: {
                items: [{
                  field: "status",
                  operator: "is",
                  value: "NEW"

Datagrid Docs 这里说,我们可以采用最初的那种模式来启动。 国家推进。


       sorting: {
           sortModel: [{ field: "date", sort: "desc" }],


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