“DevOps”号管道,需要用Snowflake进行认证,并在Snowflake执行。 对于不同的管道,使用不同的用户在斯诺瓦克进行认证和管理。 目前,在Azdo的安全档案中储存私人钥匙时,使用关键的配对认证,而Astword Paraphrase则储存为可保密的。
我正在探讨OAuth Authentication进程,以便与Snowflakes·DevOps连接起来。
- There is a provision to create Service Connections which can be used to create OAuth connection with Snowflake. Issue -: There is no good document found for Azure DevOps and Snowflake setup.
- Does OAuth allow connection with different User/Role or each would need a separate Security Integration in Snowflake.
- My initial understanding is that Snowflake Security Integration of Type External OAuth will be useful. But is there a industry standard on which one should be used between External OAuth and Snowflake OAuth.
- The Token for OAuth authentication can be used as Secret Variable or linked with Azure Key Vault.