English 中文(简体)
AWSSDK 快速/临时提供全权证书
原标题:AWSSDK for Swift / supplying credentials at runtime

I am trying to list files in an S3 bucket and eventually upload and do more with the new AWSSDK.

我已成功地抽取了BELOW号样本,以便把物体(名称)列入S3桶,其代码如下: 然而,在XCode IDE环境之外操作该守则时,我的理解是,我必须提供全权证书,因为XCode消耗了当地ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES I设置的AWS钥匙。

在BUT公司经营时,我只想把客户的证书/钥匙带入手工艺品,因此不能发现ANYWHERE如何混淆AWSClient的物体,使之包括成像钥匙(ACCESS & SECRET)。



import Foundation       // standard apple foundation libraries
import ClientRuntime    // low level awssdk suport features
import AWSS3            // S3 module

  func listBucketFiles(bucket: String) async throws -> [String] {
        // Get an S3Client with which to access Amazon S3.
        let client = try S3Client(region: "us-east-1")
        let input = ListObjectsV2Input(
            bucket: bucket
        let output = try await client.listObjectsV2(input: input)
        var names: [String] = []
        guard let objList = output.contents else {
            return []
        for obj in objList {
            if let objName = obj.key {
        self.bucketNames = names
        return names

see example above, the code worsks thru Xcode but in production does not authenticate


http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-swift/latest/developer-guide/using-configuration.html#:%7E:text=Alternatively%2C%20you%20can%20directly%20species%20the%20credentials%20inab%20of%20letting%20SDK%20obtain%20the%20m%20automatic” 等参考文献,说明的是环境因素。

let credentials = AWSCredentialsProviderStaticConfig(
    accessKey: "REPLACE_THIS",
    secret: "REPLACE_THIS"

let config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration(
  credentialsProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider.fromStatic(credentials),
  region: "us-east-1", 

let client = try S3Client(config: config)

However, if you re building a client application, please don t embed AWS credentials as they can be easily accessed by your end users. Instead, move the AWS logic to a server and communicate with it from your app using an HTTP API.

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