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how to limit zoom level in map swift ui?
  • 时间:2023-05-25 02:58:09
  •  标签:
  • swift

how to limit zoom level in map swift ui i have map and need to make zoom level limited

  Map(coordinateRegion: $region,annotationItems: viewModel.nearbyGyms) { item in
                    MapAnnotation(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude: item.geometry?.location?.lat ?? 0.0, longitude: item.geometry?.location?.lng ?? 0.0)) {
                        NavigationLink(destination:Text("Details")) {
                            VStack {
                                if item.photos?.first?.photoReference != nil {
                                    ImageView(photoReference: item.photos?.first?.photoReference)
                                } else {
                                    ImageView(photoReference: item.photos?.last?.photoReference)
                                Text(item.name ?? "unknown")


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