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MatterJS 预示最后立场
原标题:MatterJS precompute final position



是否有办法预断球会走的道路(经常),将球带入一个变数,并在我需要时把它装上同一条道路? 还是能够准确预测最后立场?


I found a way to precompute instantly the path of the ball by calling manually Matter.Engine.update(engine) and storing the position of my ball for each frame.

然后重新定位我的球体位,即:ball.isStatic = 真实;,并在每一行程中人工移动:

Matter.Events.on(engine, "afterUpdate", () => {
    if (positions.length > 0) {
        Matter.Body.setPosition(ball, positions.shift());

Matter.js is deterministic. The only varying parameter is the deltas, the intervals between the ticks. The results will always be the same for a certain set of deltas.

然而,其精彩的导师,Matter.Render,将照样的标度与显示的标度同步,window.requestAnimationFrame (,因缺而异,因此每当你操作该代码时,三角洲会发生随机变化。

您可以人工使用<代码>。 Matter.Engine.update(engine, delta)。 在your control下打字,了解你的三角关系,结果将一致。


You can achieve it by:

  1. 采用相同的<代码>Engine的航道,供您在全球范围内保存。

  2. Configuring _seed and polyfiling trig functions:

    import trigf from  trigfills ;
    import * as MatterJS from  matter-js ;
    MatterJS.Common._seed = 13579; // random value but always the same
    export default MatterJS;
  3. Set Options isFixed: real while establishing Runner

      isFixed: true,

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