I need to connect to kafka instance which has multiple brokers with SSL. I am using kafka-python to consume and process data.
I need to connect to kafka instance which has multiple brokers with SSL. I am using kafka-python to consume and process data.
应设立特别后勤中心,使客户能够与任何经纪人进行认证。 我建议你研究这一理论,以便更好地了解SSL基本内容:https://docs.confluent.io/ 当前/kafka/encodeion.html#kafka-sl-en加密。
老问题,但由于我面临同样的问题(现有答案大多面向 Java,后者有不同的结构,使用主要储存和信托储存),我正在提出一个工作解决办法。 请注意,我正在使用“Conluent Kafka”,但解决办法应当与其他Python kafka图书馆的微小改动一样。
卡夫卡经纪人只是 com子分离的单一体。 如果每个经纪人都有不同的证书,那么在一份单册中仅复制所有服务器证书。
A consumer which consumes from 3 brokers with separate certificates should look as follows:
kafka_brokers = broker_1,broker_2,broker_3
ssl_ca_location = all_server_certs.pem
consumer = Consumer({
bootstrap.servers : kafka_brokers,
security.protocol : SSL ,
enable.ssl.certificate.verification : true ,
ssl.certificate.location : client-cert.pem ,
ssl.ca.location : ssl_ca_location,
ssl.key.location : client-key.pem ,
group.id : my_group ,
auto.offset.reset : earliest
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