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Building executables for Python 3 and PyQt

I built a rather simple application in Python 3.1 using PyQt4. Being done, I want the application to be distributed to computers without either of those installed.

I almost exclusively care about Windows platforms, so my goal is to have a single executable file and maybe some resource files and .dlls in the end.

Having searched around, I came to the conclusion that

  • py2exe only supports Python up to version 2.7
  • pyinstaller only supports Python up to version 2.6
  • cx_Freeze does not work for me because I keep on getting the following error when trying to execute my successfully build binary:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Y:Program Files (x86)Pythonlibsite-packagescx_FreezeinitscriptsConsole3.py", line 27, in exec(code, m.__dict__)
File "Y:/Users/lulz/Documents/Coding/Python3/projects/System Shutdown/system_shutdown.pyw", line 5, in from PyQt4 import QtCore
File "ExtensionLoader_PyQt4_QtCore.py", line 16, in AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute modules

So my problem is basically two problems here:

  1. Is there another way but cx_Freeze to build binaries with my configuration?
  2. If not, what might the cx_Freeze problem be?

I can provide more information on the second problem if necessary, like my call of cx_Freeze, my distutils setup script etc.

Thank you already for your help and comments.


You can fix this by appending one line of code to freeze.py in your cx_Freeze package.

It is described here: http://www.mail-archive.com/cx-freeze-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00212.html

It worked for me at least :)

Cheers, Almar


For Python 3.3 and later, there s a good resolution here: py2exe - generate single executable file

Install py2exe:

pip install py2exe

Then add besides your_script.py file, the following Make_exe.py file:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys

class Make_exe():
    def __init__(self, python_script):
        sys.argv.append( py2exe )

            console=[{ script : python_script}],
            zipfile = None,
                 py2exe : 
                     bundle_files : 1, 
                     compressed : True,
                    # Add includes if necessary, e.g. 
                     includes : [ lxml.etree ,  lxml._elementpath ,  gzip ],

if __name__ ==  __main__ :
    Make_exe( your_script.py )

And if you want to make your_script.py rebuild itself as your_script.exe each time you run it in python, you can add to its main:

import subprocess
import sys

if __name__ ==  __main__ :
    currentFile = sys.argv[0]
    if currentFile.lower().endswith(".py"):
        exitCode = subprocess.call("python Make_exe.py")
        if exitCode==0 :
            dirName = os.path.dirname(currentFile)
            exeName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(currentFile))[0] +  .exe 
            exePath = dirName + "/dist/" + exeName
            cmd = [exePath] + sys.argv[1:]
            print ("Executing command:
 %s" % cmd)
            exitCode = subprocess.call(cmd)
        print ("This will be executed only within the new generated EXE File...")

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