English 中文(简体)
• 如何用手套把 par子打入GADT的表达方式?
原标题:How to use menhir to parse into a GADT expression?

我刚刚在OCaml至Real World OCaml学习过一些有关GADT的内容,并想设法将其中第一点语言翻译成口译员,从而使用男子。

最确切的定义与实例完全相同。 这里是:

type _ value =
  | Int : int -> int value
  | Bool : bool -> bool value

type _ expr = 
  | Value:  a value ->  a expr
  | Eq : int expr * int expr -> bool expr
  | Plus : int expr * int expr -> int expr
  | If : bool expr *  a expr *  a expr ->  a expr

let eval_value : type a. a value -> a = function
  | Int x -> x
  | Bool x -> x ;;
let rec eval: type a. a expr -> a = function
  | Value v -> eval_value v
  | If (c, t, e) -> if eval c then eval t else eval e
  | Eq (x, y) -> eval x = eval y
  | Plus (x, y) -> eval x + eval y;


    open Parser
    exception Error of string

rule token = parse
| [     	 ] {token lexbuf}
  {Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf}
| "if" {IF}
| "then" {THEN}
| "else" {ELSE}
|  =  {EQ}
|  +  {PLUS}
| "true" {BOOL (true)}
| "FALSE" {BOOL (false)}
| [ 0 - 9 ]+ as i {NUM (int_of_string i)}
|  - [ 0 - 9 ]+ as i { NUM (int_of_string i) }
| eof {EOF}
| _ { raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.
" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
    open Ast

%token <int> NUM
%token <bool> BOOL
%token PLUS
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token EQ
%token EOF

%left PLUS

%start < a Ast.expr> expr_toplevel


| e = expr EOF {e}

| x = expr PLUS y = expr {Plus (x, y)} 
| IF c = expr THEN x = expr ELSE y = expr {If (c, x, y)}
| x = expr EQ y = expr {EQ (x, y)}
| b = BOOL {Value (Bool b)}
| n = NUM {Value (Int n)}


File "bin/parser.mly", line 27, characters 18-26:
Error: This expression has type bool value
       but an expression was expected of type int value
       Type bool is not compatible with type int 


| b = BOOL {Value (Bool b)}

这一错误与我们在第<条码>、当地摘要型和多形态再入侵/代码”第一组代码中发现的错误完全相同,作者试图将GADT视为普通差异。 这里的问题是同一问题吗? 如果是,我如何能够确定这一点,使之发挥作用。

男子手法中没有多少关于东帝汶国防军的内容。 这一点在国旗上被提及——投机。 我已尝试过这种变化,但没有任何变化。



val parse: (x:string) -> f(x) Ast.expr

where the type of the parsed ast depends on the value of the input. This is only possible in dependently typed language, and OCaml is not dependently typed.


type any_expr = Any:  a Ast.expr -> any_expr [@@unboxed]

然后expr 分配职能类型如下:

val parse: string -> any_expr


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