English 中文(简体)
原标题:C circular dependency



#ifndef MapTest_vertex_h
#define MapTest_vertex_h

#include "edgelist.h" //includes edgelist because it s needed

typedef struct 
    char* name;
    float x, y;
    edgelist* edges;
} vertex;



#ifndef edgelist_h
#define edgelist_h

#include "edge.h" //include edge, because its needed

typedef struct _edgelist
    edge** edges; 
    int capacity, size;
} edgelist;




#ifndef MapTest_edge_h
#define MapTest_edge_h

#include "vertex.h" //needs to be included because it will be unkown otherwise

typedef struct 
    float weight;
    vertex* destination;
    int found; 
} edge;


我曾尝试过我可以做的一切,然后使用<条码>第ifndef,#define宣布。 等等,但找不到答案。



象你这样的人不需要在任何档案中包含任何内容。 相关类型的提前声明应足以:

#ifndef MapTest_vertex_h
#define MapTest_vertex_h

struct edgelist;

typedef struct
    char* name;
    float x, y;
    edgelist* edges;    // C++ only - not C
} vertex;


等等。 在编码中,你必须写:

struct edgelist;

typedef struct
    char* name;
    float x, y;
    struct edgelist* edges;
} vertex;

这种依赖性是以forward declaration打破的。 不仅没有列入完整结构定义的档案,还有两种选择:

1. 导言

typedef struct 
    char* name;
    float x, y;
    struct _edgelist* edges; /* add "struct" here (elaborated type specifier) */
} vertex;

2. 结 论

struct __edgelist; /* better form: forward declaration */

typedef struct 
    char* name;
    float x, y;
    struct _edgelist* edges; /* still need to add "struct" here */
} vertex;



struct vertex {
  char *name;
  float x, y;

// edgelist as before

struct edge {
  float weight;
  int found;

// New struct to map edges and vertices

struct vertexEdge { // you can probably come up with a better name
  struct vertex *v;
  struct edgelist *edges;

// New struct to map vertices and edges

struct edgeVertext {
  struct edge *e;
  struct vertex *vertices;


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