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原标题:Auth Component not working on CakePHP 2.0

我对CakePHP1.3的多数甚至所有辅导方法进行了尝试,看来没有在CakePHP 2.0上做工作。

我可以增加用户,打上密码,但标识特征并不奏效。 在我点击原木时,它只是重新启用。 无错误,无。


This my code public function login() {

    if ($this->request->is( post ) )

        if( $this->Auth->login() )

            // the redirect() function in the Auth class redirects us
            // to the url we set up in the AppController.
            return $this->redirect( $this->Auth->redirect());

            $this->Session->setFlash(__( Email or password is incorrect ,true));

Thanks, Mahadeva Prasad


First of all check how you have hash the password.Also check the field length in database. Preferred - varchar(255) The password will be hash as follows.

class User extends AppModel {
   public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
        $this->data[ User ][ password ] = AuthComponent::password($this->data[ User ][ password ]);
        return true;


public $components = array(
 Auth  => array(
     loginAction  => array(
         controller  =>  users ,
         action  =>  login ,            
     authenticate  => array(
         Form  => array(
             fields  => array( username  =>  username )


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