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Weird Qt SSL 问题——“无傲慢”的错误表明,没有任何东西,如果我忽视,一切都行之有效。
原标题:Weird Qt SSL issue -- error "No Error" shows up, nothing else, and if I ignore it, everything works

The issue is as follows : in my Qt app, I have a QWebView, which I use to load a HTTPS page.

一切都对我的开发机器进行了罚款,因此,我现在试图让机器运行。 我拿着 app,但那页的装 t(QWebView是空白)。 经过大量细致的争执,我发现问题在于,一枚SSL错误显示出来,而且发射的电离层信号。


void blah::sslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList<QSslError> &errors) {
  foreach(QSslError error, errors) {
    qDebug() << error.errorString() << endl;


"No error"

So there s no error, but unless I call reply->ignoreSslErrors(), the page doesn t load (on the test machine, on my developer computer no error is reported). Huh? Is this a bug?



QSslSocket Buildings a NoError SslError >时。

The OpenSSL documentation reports:

If no peer certificate was presented, the returned result code is X509_V_OK. This is because no verification error occurred, it does however not indicate success.

您应使用 t或类似工具,检查同侪之间正确交换证书。


您可能受到QTBUG-28343的打击,原因是您的公开版本之间有两极不兼容。 标本是用的,是用的。 这一点将在Qt 4.8.5中确定。

http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/announce/2013-January/000020.html https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-28343

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