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原标题:Why this code fails to run successfully from imported module even though it runs very well when this entire code is run from the same page
  • 时间:2024-04-20 14:27:37
  •  标签:
  • python-3.x

我试图通过从我的当地目录进口我的模块来测试我的模块。 该法典在设立案件时毫无用处,职能要求从同一页(无进口)上发出。 然而,当我把代码块移至模块并进口时,它保留了以下回归错误:

Following code is from my locally stored module named Admin.py:

class User:
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        self.name = name
        self.last = last
        self.age = age
        self.nationality = nationality
    def describe_user(self):
Admin name is {self.name.title()}, last name is {self.last.title()}, age is {self.age} and is of {self.nationality.title()} nationality
    def greet_user(self):
Hello! {self.name.title()}, welcome to the XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd.
class Privileges:
    def __init__(self, privileges):
        self.privileges = privileges

    def show_privileges(self):
            print("Privileges of the admin are:
            for privilege in self.privileges:
                print(f"- {privilege}")

class Admin(User):
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
        self.privileges = Privileges(privileges)

privileges = ["can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user"]


from user import Admin

priv = Admin("veronica", "smith", 26,  American )




Following is the returned output (error):

   92 #         super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
     93 #         self.privileges = Privileges(privileges)
     95 privileges = ["can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user"]
---> 97 priv = Admin("veronica", "smith", 26,  American )
     99 priv.describe_user()
    101 priv.privileges.show_privileges()

   25 def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
     26     super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
---> 27     self.privileges = Privileges()

TypeError: Privileges.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument:  privileges 

When this entire code is run from the same page, I get the following which is expected by me:

Hello! Veronica, welcome to the XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd.

Admin name is Veronica, last name is Smith, age is 26 and is of American nationality

Privileges of the admin are:

- can add post

- can delete post

- can ban user




After test You Snippet in Conditions

  1. Same File

    • Works Perfectly
  • 完成 如果有,

    • Here, filename is user.py
    from user import Admin
    • If trying from Admin.py
    from Admin import Admin

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 其他工作方式!

  1. Using the globals() to list the global variables
class Admin(User):
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
        self.privileges = Privileges(globals()[ privileges ])

privileges = ["can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user"]


I hope this answer help you in any way,Thank you..

如果按现在的顺序排列,则名单<代码>privileges为时常识。 如果您从作为模块使用的代码中进口Admin,则该类别<代码>Admin没有该清单的资料。 略作修改的代码,列出需要的清单,即按预期修改的类别代码:<代码>Admin。


class User:
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        self.name = name
        self.last = last
        self.age = age
        self.nationality = nationality
    def describe_user(self):
Admin name is {self.name.title()}, last name is {self.last.title()}, age is {self.age} and is of {self.nationality.title()} nationality
    def greet_user(self):
Hello! {self.name.title()}, welcome to the XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd.
class Privileges:
    def __init__(self, privileges):
        self.privileges = privileges

    def show_privileges(self):
            print("Privileges of the admin are:
            for privilege in self.privileges:
                print(f"- {privilege}")

class Admin(User):
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
        self.privileges = Privileges(["can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user"])


from user import Admin

priv = Admin("veronica", "smith", 26,  American )





Hello! Veronica, welcome to the XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd.

Admin name is Veronica, last name is Smith, age is 26 and is of American nationality

Privileges of the admin are:

- can add post
- can delete post
- can ban user


class User:
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality):
        self.name = name
        self.last = last
        self.age = age
        self.nationality = nationality
    def describe_user(self):
Admin name is {self.name.title()}, last name is {self.last.title()}, age is {self.age} and is of {self.nationality.title()} nationality
    def greet_user(self):
Hello! {self.name.title()}, welcome to the XYZ Consultancy Services Ltd.
class Privileges:
    def __init__(self, privileges):
        self.privileges = privileges

    def show_privileges(self):
            print("Privileges of the admin are:
            for privilege in self.privileges:
                print(f"- {privilege}")

class Admin(User):
    def __init__(self, name, last, age, nationality, privileges):
        super().__init__(name, last, age, nationality)
        self.privileges = privileges ### <<< ###


privileges = ["can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user"]

你在档案中界定了这一清单,但不是在任何类别之内。 这些连接模块没有提供。 如果我是的话,我也许会把这个选项清单列入<条码>。


class Privileges:
def __init__(self, privileges = []):
    self.privileges = privileges

def show_privileges(self):
        print("Privileges of the admin are:
        for privilege in self.privileges:
            print(f"- {privilege}")


If this solution not fit for your preference at least move privileges options inside some class to make it a class field. If so you could access it and use as a module functionality. (It s my first answer, please correct me if I somewhere was wrong.)

你们提供的守则就是一例。 造成“类型错误”的代码与代码之间的区别很可能是没有提供<代码>privileges到“>.privileges = 特权(privileges)。 可从错误信息中看出,这一呼吁是不同的<条码>。


我已经找到了理由。 特权必须增加,作为“init(自称, foo, foo, foo, foo, 特权)方法的属性。 我从单元档案中删除了特权清单,并将其移至我的工作档案中。 现在,我可以创造和利用更新职能,在我不想修改单元档案的情况下更新我的特权清单。 模块档案不再重新命名。

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