我有三个实体:customer,country,state。 在
为创建实体“客户”接口,我提出了三条<代码>。 NSPopUpButton s
- The first selects the country,
- The second shows the states related to the selected country.
- The last shows the zip code related to the chosen state.
我的问题是,我无法通过选定的<代码>NSPopUpButton实体“customer”通过数据。 The NSPopoUpButton work by binding:
- Content (bind to:country, arrangedObjects),
- Content Values (bind to:country, arrangedObjects, model key:country),
- Selected Index (bind to:country, selectionIndex).
我可以做些什么来确保三个<代码>NSPopUpButton s选择的数据在实体“客户”的适当领域记录?