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原标题:ComponentQuery for a parent with ExtJS4?

是否有办法询问“什么”? 在一个部分中,我很乐,希望对家长活动的听众进行登记。 这要求我获得我主要观点的亲子。


In ExtJS4, you can use up() from an Ext Element.

The params are a string of the parent element you wish to find e.g:

var parentEl = Ext.get( childID ).up( div.parentClass ); 


EDIT: To show going up from a component

var myComponent = // however you ve got it

var theParentEl = myComponent.getEl().up( div.parentClass );

通常up( PARENTCLASS )就足以使你重新努力做到。 这里是我对守则所做的一切,这样一些要素就产生了它们的形式:

items: [
   { xtype:  checkbox , listeners: {
      change: function() { this.up( window ).fireEvent( checkboxchanged ); }

As I understand, you want to listen to events dispatched by a component s parent from the child component s controller control function specifically.

There is not a query selector like parent < component which you can put in the child controller s control function to listen to parent events.

通常,我只想向儿童控制员补充家长的看法,然后,你可以听听听听听听听会。 但是,我假定你没有这样做,因为你试图向不同的控制者或某些人下放权力。

You could fire an event in the child component whenever that parent event occurs. Inside the parent controller you could do it like this:

var child = parent.down( child );
child.fireEvent( myOwnEventName , arg1, arg2, arg3, etc);

然后,你将给我增加一个手稿。 • 担任儿童控制员的控制职务,以掌握你想要的逻辑。


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