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原标题:Debugging user-code on xv6 with gdb
  • 时间:2012-05-10 13:15:31
  •  标签:
  • gdb
  • qemu
  • xv6


我知道,我可以用<代码>make qemu-gdb对油轮代码进行 de击,但我不敢肯定如何减少我自己的用户方案。



P.S. isn t there an xv6 tag? 这个问题是否在这里?


file cat, break main, continue

半参考资料running and debugging xv6



  1. 采用 de(假定X11):

  2. In other terminal just run the debugger loading the kernel symbols with: gdb kernel This is important, otherwise the debugger will be confused between kernel and and user program symbols, for example main()

  3. From the gdb interface run: (gdb) target remote localhost:26000 where 26000 is the TCP port that the step #1 report at the end (this might change).

  4. 用户使用<代码>(gdb) 文档用户_program

  5. 定点<条码>(gdb)

  6. ......

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