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原标题:Qt get system 32bit or 64 bit info?

我是用Qt书写的软件,我的任务之一是判断Windows OS是否为32比特,还是64比特,然后根据这一事实进行以下业务。

However, when I was trying "QSysInfo::WordSize", it always return 32 while I was actually running on Windows 7-64 bit OS. I also tried

#ifdef _WIN32
return 32;
#elif _WIN64
return 64;


Actually Qt is 32bit in my system. Is that the problem? How can I get the actual word size of Windows?



这应在任何舱位环境中进行,包括 在任何系统上使用“分类登记册”(IOW,有适当的固定记忆空间):

uint32_t archwidth = sizeof(int *);    // arch width in bytes
uint32_t archbits  = 8 * archwidth;    // arch width in bits


关于64轨道结构(如XEON),CPU将使用8个星号(64-bit)点,因此archwidth将返回8;archbits 然后是8*64>。

关于32个轨道结构(如68,000个),万国邮联将使用4个星号(32个轨道)点,因此<代码>twidth将返回4;archbits 然后是4*<8,或32


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