English 中文(简体)
A. 动态分析Box和ComboBox
原标题:Dynamic CheckBox and ComboBox

I have at problem with dynamic checkboxes. I want a combobox to show beside the checbox/checkboxes when one or more is selected. But I only get one combobox, which moves around whenever I select a new checkbox. So can anybody helpe me by telling me whats wrong and how I get more than one combobox?

for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
        // ParameterField
        JTextField fieldParam = new JTextField();
        addElement(contentPanel, fieldParam, 25, yPos, 100, 20);

        // ValueField
        JTextField fieldValue = new JTextField();
        fieldValue.setText("" + values[i]);
        addElement(contentPanel, fieldValue, 160, yPos, 100, 20);

        final JCheckBox checkboxes = new JCheckBox();
        addElement(contentPanel, checkboxes, 325, yPos, 100, 20);

        final int checkBoxIndex = i;
        checkboxes.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae2) {
                if (checkboxes.isSelected()) {
                    comboProcent.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[]{"2%", "5%", "10%"}));
                    addElement(contentPanel, comboProcent, 435, 50 + checkBoxIndex * 25, 80, 20);



                    if (!checkboxes.isSelected()) {


                System.out.println("checkbox is: " + checkBoxIndex);

        yPos = yPos + 25;

You need to create a new combo box instance for each checkbox. The best way I think would be to change their visibility based on when the checkboxes values have changed. (I ve done it this way before)

i 专注知道,如果你想要一个二分点子,那么我是否正确理解了,但如果你想要使用自己的ComboBoxModel。

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