English 中文(简体)
从右点击命令打开当前记录bar 菜单
原标题:Open Current Record from Right-Click CommandBar Menu

我使用此代码为我的数据表表格( Access 2007) 创建右键点击菜单 (2007年) 。 此代码在“ 开放事件” 上的数据表子格式中运行 :

Dim sMenuName As String
sMenuName = "DatasheetRightClickMenu"

On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0

Dim cmb As Office.CommandBar
Dim cmbItem

Set cmb = CommandBars.Add(sMenuName, _
           msoBarPopup, False, False)

Set cmbItem = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
With cmbItem
    .Caption = "Open"
    .OnAction = "=OpenDetails()"
End With

Me.ShortcutMenu = True
Me.ShortcutMenuBar = sMenuName

我无法找到如何将当前记录 S ID 传送到 OpenDetails 函数。 如果我能找到如何以表格或记录变量/参考格式通过, 我会很高兴的, 但我似乎无法找到如何做到这一点。

将“ 实时” 参数或参数从右键单击菜单转到自定义函数的技巧是什么? 当用户单击时, 您是否必须构建右键单击菜单? 或者是否有更好的方法这样做?

Here s what I have got working so far:

Private Sub Form_Current()
    Call CreateRightClickMenu
End Sub

Private Sub CreateRightClickMenu()
    Dim sMenuName As String
    sMenuName = Me.Name & "RClickMenu"

    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
    On Error GoTo 0

    Dim cmb As Office.CommandBar
    Dim cmbItem

    Set cmb = CommandBars.Add(sMenuName, _
               msoBarPopup, False, False)

    Dim s1() As String, s2 As String
    If Nz(Me.txtitemdesc, "") <> "" Then
        s2 = Me.txtitemdesc & " "
        s2 = Replace(s2, ",", " ")
        s1 = Split(s2, " ")
        s2 = s1(0)
    End If

    Set cmbItem = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
    With cmbItem
        .Caption = "Open " & Replace(Me.txtitemdesc, "&", "&&")
        .Parameter = Me!ItemID
        .OnAction = "OpenFromDatasheetRightClick"
    End With

    Set cmbItem = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
    With cmbItem
        .FaceId = 640
        .Caption = "Filter =  " & s2 & " "
        .Parameter = s2
        .OnAction = "FilterAllItemsDatasheet"
    End With

    If Me.FilterOn = True And Me.Filter <> "" Then
        Set cmbItem = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With cmbItem
            .Caption = "Clear Filter"
            .Parameter = ""
            .OnAction = "FilterAllItemsDatasheet"
        End With
    End If

    Me.ShortcutMenu = True
    Me.ShortcutMenuBar = sMenuName
End Sub

看来我的回馈功能 必须是在一个公共模块, 而不是一个形式模块。

Public Sub FilterAllItemsDatasheet()
    Dim cbar As CommandBarControl
    Set cbar = CommandBars.ActionControl
    If cbar Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "CBar is nothing"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim s1
    s1 = cbar.Parameter
    If s1 = "" Then
        Call Forms("frmAllItemsDatasheet").ClearFilter
        Forms("frmAllItemsDatasheet").cboSearch = s1
        Call Forms("frmAllItemsDatasheet").UpdateSubform
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub OpenFromDatasheetRightClick()
    Dim cbar As CommandBarControl
    Set cbar = CommandBars.ActionControl
    If cbar Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "CBar is nothing"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim s1
    s1 = cbar.Parameter
    Call OpenItemDetailForm(s1)
End Sub


Set cmbItem = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
With cmbItem
    .Caption = "Open"
    .OnAction = "=OpenDetails([ID])"
End With

Function OpenDetails(intID)
    MsgBox intID
      This would also work
    MsgBox Screen.ActiveForm.ID
End Function

不要忘了在测试时关闭和重新打开表格 :)

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