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Microsoft VBA idiom (Visio) For Testing Non-Existence of a property?

I need to ensure a Macro which works on Visio 2003 doesn t cause problems on lower versions of Visio: specifically because I m writing to a property which doesn t exist on lower versions of Visio. Currently I m doing this:


On Error GoTo NoComplexScriptFont:

Set cellObject = shapeObject.Cells("Char.ComplexScriptFont")

On Error GoTo ErrHandler



    Rem MSGBOX only for debug

    MsgBox "No Such Property"

    GoTo endsub


    Rem put in general error handling here

    GoTo endsub


End Sub


Which works, but its a little messy I think. I have toyed with the idea of using Application.version (Which returns 11 for Visio 2003), but I would like to avoid assumptions about what properties are available in any particular release and just test for the property itself.

What s the nice proper idiom for doing this in VBA ?


--- Got a few answers below, my preferred solution was this one:

If shapeObject.CellExists("Char.ComplexScriptFont", 0) Then

    msgbox "Property exists"


    msgbox "Property does not exist"

end if

You can use the CellExists property of the shape object to see if a particular cell exists. You have to pass in the localeSpecificCellName, which you already seem to be using, and then you pass in an integer fExistsLocally, which specifies the scope of the search for the cell; if you specify 0 then the CellExists will return true if the cell is inherited or not...if it s 1 then CellExists will return false if the cell is inherited.


I would use a wrapper function for accessing the property so that you don t mess up your normal error handling, like this:

Set cellObject = GetCellObject(shapeObject)
If Not cellObject Is Nothing Then
     Do something with cellObject
End If

Private Function GetCellObject(ByVal shapeObject As Object) As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set GetCellObject = shapeObject.Cells("Char.ComplexScriptFont")
End Function

(Note: I m only using Object above because I don t know what type cellObject etc. is)

I often use the same technique even for properties that I know do exist, but which will raise an error under certain circumstances. For example (Excel), if I m going to access a worksheet by name (which will raise an error if no such worksheet exists), then I ll have a wrapper function that calls Worksheets(name) and either returns a Worksheet object or Nothing:

Private Function GetWorksheet(ByVal strName as String) As Worksheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set GetWorksheet = Worksheets(strName)
End Function

This makes for much cleaner calling code, since you can simply test the return value rather than worrying about error handling.

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