I m using Microsoft Office 2003 and creating a bunch of template documents to standardize some tasks. I asked this on Superuser.com and got no response so I m thinking it s too program-y and hoping I ll have better luck here.
I need to automate a work flow that uses a bunch of Office (mostly Word) templates. What I want is to have "My Template Foo.dot" and "My Template Bar.dot", etc. in the "My Foo Bar Stuff" on a shared drive and have users double click on a template to create a new Foo or Bar.
What s I d really like is for the user to double-click on the Foo template and be prompted for a couple of items related to their task (e.g., a project number) and have a script in the template change the name that Save will default to something like "Foo for Project 1234.doc".
I asked on Google Groups and got an answer that worked....for a while. Then my AutoNew
macro stopped kicking in when I created a new document by double-clicking on the template. I have no idea why or how to debug it.
In Class Modules/This Application, I have:
Sub AutoNew()
Dim Project As String
Project = InputBox("Enter the Project Number")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs "Project " & Project & " Notes.doc"
End Sub
In Microsoft Word Objects/ThisDocument, I have:
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
I really have no idea why or where that came from.
In Tools/Macro Security... I have Security Level set to "Low".
I m a software engineering with 25+ years of experience but a complete Office automation noob. Specific solutions and pointers to "this is how to automate Word" FAQs are welcome. Thanks.
Update: If I create a new template (New..., Blank Document, Save As "My New Template.dot"), and insert the AutoNew()
macro, it works. So what s inhibiting it from working on my existing template?
Update 2: Removing the module and function from my old template and adding it back works, too.