var result = from search in context.List
where search.Following //etc
如果我提供推特用户名, 我如何能找到推特用户的追随者?
twitter.com/foobar // foobar is the username.
var result = from search in context.List
where search.Following //etc
如果我提供推特用户名, 我如何能找到推特用户的追随者?
twitter.com/foobar // foobar is the username.
LINQ to Twitter 允许您为朋友和追随者查询社交图。 这里的一个例子是如何获得追随者 :
var followers =
(from follower in twitterCtx.SocialGraph
where follower.Type == SocialGraphType.Followers &&
follower.ID == "15411837"
select follower)
followers.IDs.ForEach(id => Console.WriteLine("Follower ID: " + id));
这将返回 ID 。 这里的完整文件 : < a href="http://linqto twitter.codplex.com/wikipage? title=Listing% 20 Conferences& rerefertingTitle=Listing% 20 Social% 20Graphs" rel=“nofollow” >http://linqto twitter.codeplex.com/wikipage? title=Listing% 20 Conferenceers& refertingTitle=Listing% 20Social%20Graphs 。
Twitter API 正在获取< a href=> "https://dev. twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/ followers/ids" rel=“nofollowers”> followers/ids 所以我不得不猜测, Linq2Twitter 代码大概是 http:// linqto twitter.copple.com/wikipage? title\ rurying%20 User%20Info& referringTitle= Getting% 20User%20 inforence" 。
var users = from tweet in twitterCtx.User
where tweet.Type == UserType.Show &&
tweet.ScreenName == "Sergio"
select tweet;
var user = users.SingleOrDefault();
var followers = user.Followers;
var followers =
(from follower in twitterCtx.Friendship
where follower.Type == FriendshipType.FollowerIDs &&
follower.UserID == "15411837"
select follower)
if (followers != null &&
followers.IDInfo != null &&
followers.IDInfo.IDs != null)
followers.IDInfo.IDs.ForEach(id =>
Console.WriteLine("Follower ID: " + id));
资料来源:Linq2Twitter Github
注意: 此方法调用仅限5,000名追随者。 如果您只需要统计追随者, 最好从Twitter网站上删除。
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