English 中文(简体)
原标题:Create a class and init from main game offSet

我在做我的游戏, 我有一个如此艰难的时间 环绕着我的头 围绕一个概念,也许你可以 帮我澄清它。

So in the bullet class i create a bullet object at point 0,0 which is fine then when i really create it from the main game i create it at point

平面位置.x, 0

将它置于玩家所在的 X 轴上,而 Y 轴上为屏幕底部的 Y 0 轴上

My issue is lets say i want to create the bullet at the top of the gun for example. not at the base of the screen. so i would write thePlayer.position.x,60; it would start it at the top of the gun but there would be a offset of 60 till it hits the target... i did come up with a solution but i don t like it. I think there has to be a better answer..

my answer is: make a var call bulletOffet=any number lets say 60 then create the bullet at thePlayer.position.x, 0+bulletOffSet

现在,当我检查我 子弹和目标

for (Bullet *someBullet in self.children) { if ([someBullet isKindOfClass:[Bullet class]]) { CGPoint bulletPoint = CGPointMake(someBullet.position.x, someBullet.bulletSprite.position.y+bulletOffSet);

this does work but again there has to be a better solution let me know what i m missing thank you




http://www.qcmat.com/underad-anchorpoint-in-cococs2d/" rel="no follow" >http://www.qcmat.com/underadate-anchorpoint-in-cococs2d/

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