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从 Windows 获取 Rssi 值
原标题:Get Rssi Value From Windows
  • 时间:2012-05-25 19:01:26
  •  标签:
  • windows
  • rssi

我想测量调制解调器的 rssi 值。 是否有 spi 能为 Windows 获得 rssi 值? 我用 Wifi. manager in and roid. 但我找不到 Windows 的 spi 。


使用本地代码是最好的。 您需要使用 wlan_ intf_ opcode_ rssi 代码的 WlanQuery Interface () 来返回 RSSI 值作为 LONG 数据类型。 您可以从那里将其转换为 dbm 。

DWORD WINAPI WlanQueryInterface(
 __in        HANDLE hClientHandle,
 __in        const GUID *pInterfaceGuid,
 __in        WLAN_INTF_OPCODE OpCode,
 __reserved  PVOID pReserved,
 __out       PDWORD pdwDataSize,
 __out       PVOID *ppData,
 __out_opt   PWLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE pWlanOpcodeValueType

在此使用 opcode wlan_intf_opcode_rssi 来获取 RSSI 值 :

WLAN_INTF_OPCODE  >> wlan_intf_opcode_rssi >> LONG

这里是 C++ 样本, 如何开始 :


If you want C# Try this: How to get SSID and RSSI for Win7 using C#

Since this question appeared on home page for review- the existing answer is outdated. There is now a Managed Wifi API available as a wrapper around the Windows Native Wifi API.

Signal strength in percentage and RSSI could be obtained as, Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork[] networks = wlanIface.GetAvailableNetworkList(0);

Wlan.WlanBssEntry[] redes = wlanIface.GetNetworkBssList(); //Get the atribute that you need

foreach (Wlan.WlanBssEntry network in redes)
    Console.Write("Network SSID {0} RSSI {1}
 ", GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid),

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