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matlab: 在矩阵列小数点后返回 2 位数
原标题:matlab: return 2 numbers after decimal points in a matrix column

对不起, 如果这是愚蠢的问题, 但我是新的 MATLAB 。 我有一个大矩阵, 包含 < code> float 数字, 我想更改矩阵以显示小数点后的两个数字 。

当我在命令窗口输入低于代码的代码时 :

 sprintf( %.2f ,  ObjectTrack3(5,6))

sok sok 输出为: ans = 3.40

然而,当我在我的代码中添加 printf (%.2f, objectTrack3(i,6)) 以只显示 ObjectTrack3 第6栏中所有项目的小数点之后的两个数字时, 它只会给我一个错误 。



with guide of somebody I just noticed that the actual number for one of the cells of matrix is 44.849998474121094 but I just see 44.8500 0.400000005960465 is shown 0.4000



I think you were on the right track, you just had some problems with the syntax.
Assuming that ObjectTrack is a matrix, what you should do is the following:

sprintf( %.2f
 , ObjectTrack3(:, 6))

This selects the 6th column from ObjectTrack3 and sends it to the sprintf command. Note that sprintf operates on each of the elements of its input column vector, hence the so that every element is printed in a new line.

Edit: 此答案还假设您只想要用想要的精确度来打印列的 em>, 而不是更改列。 如果您想要修改列, 请考虑Meming s 回答 。


根据@Peter的评论, 我想你想要的是:

ObjectTrack3 = 圆(OjectTrack3 * 100) / 100;

它应该足够直观,可以理解。 sprintf 是指创建字符串,而不是双倍。

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