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原标题:Extjs4, How to get selected row store?
  • 时间:2012-05-25 16:31:59
  •  标签:
  • extjs4





var myGrid = this.oriGrid().getSelectionModel().getSelection();

var myWindow = Ext.create( Ext.window.Window , {
    title:  Test ,
    autoHeight: true,
    width: 700,
    layout:  fit ,
    modal: true,
    items: {
    xtype:  grid ,
    columns: [
        { header:  PK , dataIndex:  PK , flex: 1 },
        { header:  FK , dataIndex:  FK , width: 200 },
    store: myGrid[0].store // it will show all of list, I want to show only I selected row.







 secGridStore = new Ext.Data.Store( YourStore );
   filterFn: function(item) { return (item in YourStore) } 


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