My ElasticSearch s documents are of high size. My service is Java application and its using ElasticSearch java client version 8. Need to run _msearch query on ES. MultisearchBody don t have field of ...
Im trying to Install kibana 8.1.1 on windows10 the thing is when it starts installions it stops on an error like that [2022-04-16T01:16:59.744+00:00][ERROR][elasticsearch-service] Unable to retrieve ...
I m working on an application that creates N indices and N aliases, and there s a one-to-one correspondence between these indices and aliases. But once in a while, I instead get N indices and N-1 ...
We are using es 6.7 and serilog 7.1 in our dotnet core application. In our logger implementation vi are using the following index "app-{0:yyyy.MM}-1" for our ElasticsearchSinkOptions. This ...
I am working for my internship on the implementation of the ElasticSearch family (ElasticSearch+ Kibana+ logstash). Here is my question: I have a field "@ timestamp" with the following format: 2014-05-...
Does anyone use ElasticSearch for building read model in CQRS approach? I have some questions related to such solution: Where do you store your domain events? In JDBC database? In ElasticSearch? Do ...
I m currently looking at other search methods rather than having a huge SQL query. I saw elasticsearch recently and played with whoosh (a Python implementation of a search engine). Can you give ...
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