我怎样才能与 Powershell 和 RoboCopy 一起将一系列文件动态移动到 固定大小的子文件夹?
原标题:How can I move an array of files dynamically with Powershell and RoboCopy to individual subfolders of a fixed size?
I am creating a script that splits a target folder s files into subfolders of n length, where n is a number specified dynamically.
So basically, if Folder A has 9000 files, and I limit the number of files to 1000 per folder, the script would create nine sub-directories inside of Folder A with 1000 files each.
Here is working code:
param (
$NumFilesPerFolder = 1000,
$FolderNumberPadding = 2
$Folders = Get-Content $FileList
Set-Location -LiteralPath ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath())
function Move-Files {
param (
$BaseFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($List[0])
$DestFolderName = $Index.ToString().PadLeft($FolderNumberPadding, 0 )
$DestFolder = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $BaseFolder $DestFolderName) -Type Directory -Force
Move-Item $List -Destination $DestFolder -Force
foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {
$Files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Folder -File -Force
$filesidx = 1
$totalidx = $null
$groupidx = 0
$FilesToMove = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
foreach ($File in $Files) {
if($null -eq $totalidx){
$totalidx = $Files.Length
if($filesidx -eq 1){
if($filesidx -eq $NumFilesPerFolder){
Move-Files -List $FilesToMove -Index $groupidx
$filesidx = 1
}elseif($totalidx -eq 1){
Move-Files -List $FilesToMove -Index $groupidx
Remove-Item $FileList -Force
$app = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$appwin = $app.Windows()
foreach ($window in $appwin) {
if($window.Name -eq "File Explorer"){
Invoke-VBMessageBox "Operation Complete" -Title "Operation Complete" -Icon Information -BoxType OKOnly
This code runs reasonably well, but it heavily bottlenecks when actually moving the files with Move-Item. I d like to try and use RoboCopy here, but I am perplexed as to how I can implement it.
What I m having trouble with is that the items I need to move are stored in a list (see the Move-Files function), and every item that needs to be moved are all in the same sub-directory. So I can t just do RoboCopy.exe C:Source C:Destination /mov.
How can I integrate RoboCopy here to accomplish my goal? I really need multi-threaded performance as this function will be responsible for moving thousands of files around in production on a frequent basis.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - please let me know if I can provide more information to further clarify my objective.
Thanks for any help at all!
Following zett42s very helpful clues, i created the following script. Its taking the path to the folder with the files that supposed to be split up and the desired number of files per folder as paramter. After counting the files and declaring the number of folder shifts it creates a robocopy job file for each folder, listing the included files. Afterwards these multi threaded jobs are executed.
param (
$NumFilesPerFolder = 1000
$scriptPath= split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$rcjPath= $scriptPath +"RCJs"
if(-not(test-path -path $rcjPath)){New-Item -Path $scriptPath -Name RCJs"" -ItemType Directory}
$Files = gci -path $FilePath |?{$_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo]}| sort creationtime
$numberOfFiles= $Files.count
$numberOfFolderChanges= [math]::floor(($numberOfFIles / $NumFilesPerFolder))
write-host "$FilePath / $numberOfFiles /$numberOfFolderChanges /$scriptPath / $rcjPath"
for($indexOfFile=0;$indexOfFile -lt $numberOfFIles; $indexOfFile++){
$indexOfRCJob=[math]::floor(($indexOfFile / $NumFilesPerFolder))
$pathcurrentRCJob= $rcjPath +"rcJob($indexOfRCJob).rcj"
if(test-path -path $pathcurrentRCJob){add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value $nameOfCurrentFile}
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value "/SD:$FilePath"
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value "/DD:$FilePathsubfolder$indexOfRCJob"
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value "/mov"
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value "/MT:20"
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value "IF"
add-content -path $pathcurrentRCJob -value $nameOfCurrentFile
gci -path $rcjPath | % {robocopy /job:"$($_.fullName)"}
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