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原标题:Snowpark- How to read a from a stage file using snowpark sesssion?
I have multiple file in stage and want to read the contents from it. For example, i have below file in the stage- single file for this case from snowfake.snowpark.context import get_active_session session = get_active_session() location = "@data_stage/emp_data/file_path/emp.paraquet" df = session.read.paraquet(location) df.show() this file have 3 column name and in the result only it returning the empty row value . Is this right approach to retrieve the contents from the stage file in snowpark?
I notice that you have a spelling issue in your code (you re using "paraquet" in place of "parquet"). I m assuming that s not the issue, as it would error, but just want to make you aware of that. If the files in your stage are named "paraquet", they won t be read properly. This is the standard way to read from a parquet in a stage. I am able to use your syntax almost exactly to read from parquet files from one of my own S3 stages. Alternatively, you could use session.sql and a select statement to see what is in your staged file: select_statement = ("SELECT * FROM @data_stage/emp_data/file_path/emp.parquet") df = session.sql(select_statement).collect_nowait().to_df() df.show()

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