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原标题:EACCES: permission denied in VS Code MAC
When I change any file, the system will deny me access. What s going on? How do I properly set permissions on Mac?
It is generally not a good idea to run VS Code as sudo. Instead change the permission for the directory. You can change the ownership of the directory so that you can open it without needing root privileges. $ sudo chown -R
First, take note of the current permissions of all files and folders by issuing the command: ls -lR > old_permissions.txt which will save the output of the command ls -l to the file old_permissions.txt in the current directory. If you have no idea of how permissions work and what the results of the previous command represent, please, have a look at https://ss64.com/bash/syntax-permissions.html and https://ss64.com/bash/chmod.html. At this point, to modify any of the files under , you can give full permission to all subfolders and files recursively by issuing the command: sudo chmod -R 777 Note that you re responsible for the changes your perform! After having saved the updates, you can reset the previous permission settings of the folders by looking at the old permissions saved in the file old_permissions.txt. You should set the permissions manually (unless you create e.g. a script to do it automatically using the info saved in old_permissions.txt). Note: it s probably a better idea to only modify the permissions of the specific files that you want to modify (and not of the whole folder).
Uninstall the code command from PATH in vscode and reinstall it. Open the command pallete (command + shift + P), search "uninstall code " and select the first option to uninstall. Open the command pallete (command + shift + P), search "install code " and click "Install code command in PATCH
I managed to fix this on Mac while running this in Terminal sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/$(whoami)/.vscode hope this helps someone
None of the above solutions solved this issue for me, here s what finally worked: System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy (tab) > (scroll down to) Files and Folders > Select Desktop Folder
cd to the project directory and run cd .. to move back one folder run sudo chmod -R 777 it works for me vscode never asked me for password when saving my file again.
I found a fix. I simply uninstalled the code command from PATH in vscode and reinstalled. i.e open the command pallete, search "uninstall code command in PATH" and select the first option to uninstall. Then do the same to install it back "install code ...". Do same for installing too. That should fix it https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/129884 props to lazy-poet
Easy fix: In VSC press cmd+shift+p Type uninstall code Select uninstall code Reinstall it again with cmd+shift+p and type install code and select "install code".
If you want to fix permissions for the current user use sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.vscode/. $(whoami) is a variable with the current user that s logged in ~ is a shorthand for the home directory of the current user
In my case it was problems with mixed permissions within .git/objects directory. Some of them been my user, some - surprisingly - root. This helped: cd: .git/objects sudo chown -R username:usergroup * If mismatch with permissions occur not only within git objects but whole repo, chown command can be executed in upper directory.
Go to your project, double click on the app.js file and select Get info . There will be an option of Sharing & Permission . From there you can change access permissions for other users.
In my case, it turned out that the VSCode application was in the Downloads folder, and not in the Applications folder. After I moved it to the Applications folder, I deleted the /usr/local/bin/code symlink. Then, I closed and re-opened VSCode, and hit Command+Shift+P and typed code which brought up Shell Command: Install code command in PATH and successfully added code to the path!
I had a similar issue. I had error when I tried to create a new component. I just navigated to the path displayed in Finder. For me it was ProjectFolder/src/. So I did right click on "src" folder and selected "Get Info". In that change access to "Read&Write" for my user account. Thats it !!! As you are trying to update a file, try to change access permission for that file (ie. app.component.css). If it didn t work try to change access for "app" folder. Note: Changing the access of parent/super-parent folder won t work. So change the exact folder s access preferences.
This is the solution for me. Open the Terminal and enter this command: code --user-data-dir="./vscode-root" This is for Ubuntu 16.04.
Right click on the folder go to Get Info sharing and permission on the bottom unlock the lock and press the 3 dots you will see a drop down apply to enclosed items make it happen, and try again
Go to your terminal and input the command: sudo "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron" ~/.bash_profile It works for me. However, according to the answers on the websites, it is not recommended to get super user permission when you launch the vs code. I am new to vs code as well so I don t know the right method to get permission. Besides, on my mac, you will get only permission once when you type in the command and after you exit your vs code, you will not possess the permission if you open the vs code again. I am still working on it and try to fix. But this answer should fix your problem.
Here s the solution: You probably tried to save the file to "Macintosh Hd" which is the default place when you click on "Save as", so you can t just save a file to the computer inside itself, you have got to choose a directory, like you can save it to /Desktop or /users/your_username/... something like that. But saving to "Macintosh Hd" will always be unsuccessful.
I Fix this on my M1 mac using this command. sudo chown -R * This command will allow ownership to the user for all files.
The problem is, that you are probably trying to access a project which is owned by a another user e.g. the user which is not currently logged in. You need to login as that user to work on the project.
Try This sudo chown -R ~/Library/Application Support/Code sudo chown -R ~/.vscode/extensions
This solution helped me. All you have to do is to; 1.Open your terminal in vscode and type: sudo chown -R path-to-your-project-folder 2.Hit enter and you re sorted.
I have another solution to this: I changed my VS code permission for some stupid purposes (e.g. access to Mac font), and I cannot open it anymore via Application. Below is what I did (suggested by GPT4): sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/Library/Application Support/Code It worked for me
Go to the respective project folder, and type the following command to get your username: $ whoami After that copy your username that you get in the above command response and replace it with the username below. Also replace the directory-name with the project folder name: $ sudo chown -R
This solution helped me: Open your terminal; Go to path that have your directory; Run the command below: sudo chmod -R 777

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