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iis 7. 5 dns 窗口验证页面用户身份无效
原标题:iis 7.5 dns windows authentication page user identity not working
In IIS 7.5 server I have a website apps.mydomain.com. Site binding for this website is: IP: All Unassigned Port: 80 Host name: apps.mydomain.com In DNS there is an ip address pointing to apps.mydomain.com. Site comes up fine when browsing to this hostname. I want to get current windows logged in username from asp.net web apps. I enabled windows authentication and disabled anonymous. Using this ASP.Net code to test: Response.Write(Page.User.Identity.Name); However, browsing to http://apps.mydomain.com/site/ the application pool identity shows as the Page.User.Identity.Name value and not the current windows logged in username. If I browse to http://servername/site/ then Page.User.Identity.Name will return current windows logged in username. Is there something else I need to configure to get the current windows logged in username when using host header? web.config: App pool config (left out "handlers" for brevity, there s a 30000 char limit):
Most likely, because the http://servername/site/ is working, it is because you are resolving to internal DNS servers, so Windows Auth kicks in for you. Have you tried explicitly setting the authentication method to Windows in the web.config file?
Change the app pool for the test application from "test" to ".NET 2.0 Apps" as the root of your site has different config from the test application. The windows athentication is setup correctly for ".NET 2.0 Apps" app pool but i think that dosn t effect the "test" app pool. good luck

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