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Outlook 2003 - Add an icon column to a View?

I want to add a custom column to the Inbox which is a Yes/No column. I want an icon to show in the Yes case. How can I do this?

Everything I ve looked up is either about adding a column through the View.XML property, through UserProperties.Add with addToFolderFields = true, or through Field Chooser.

There are also a lot of forums where Dmitry from dimastr.com just tells people it s not possible to set an icon with no real explanation.

It s pretty frustrating - why would Outlook s UI support creating Icon fields if you can t set an icon for them?! Won t they just always be blank columns?!

Some alternative questions that would also help if they were answered:

  • What is the "bitmap" element in the View.XML of a <column>?

  • How can I set a userproperty as the value of a column using the "prop" element of a <column>?

  • Where can I find a description of the View.XML definition? Microsoft articles all have bad links.


Icons in the Header and icons in the column itself aren t possible without some kind of Windows API hacks on the column cells.

If someone has a good one, I ll mark it as an answer. Otherwise, I ll mark this ("Impossible") as the accepted answer.

EDIT: I looked with Spy++. Outlook s view is a "SUPERGRID" that is manually painted. You don t have access to individual cells. So that makes it a lot harder. A hack would have to like subclass the SUPERGRID and override some internal method or something. Then replace Outlook s SUPERGRID with the subclassed one. Or something equally terrible. I m thinking impossible is the only real answer...


may you check that thread, therer might be an solution via form http://www.outlookcode.com/threads.aspx?forumid=3&messageid=31897

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